India Startup Today!


"Creation must be made accessible for consumption. This is your real job. It takes struggle that you genuinely believe is worth the pain"
                                                                        -Scott Belsky

Well, before the word startup was coined Business was all about making money, It was about profits, Business used to be a lot simpler than it is today. You build something then sold that and made money from the sale and then you used that money to grow your company so that you could build more of that something and so on. thus it was a cycle it was predictable, reliable, and consistent. But today businesses do not work like that anymore at least not for startups. Today attaining success is not only about Profit or loss but also depends upon Growth strategy and customer response.

A startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty. In short, A startup is Purpose, Product, Customer, and Team. There are a few myths in society about startups such as some think billionaire business models or ideas are too limited which is not at all true. Startups are often assumed to be solely technology-based companies, but this is also not necessarily true: the essence of startups is generally related to the concepts of ambition, innovation, scalability, and growth. In India, it is all about scalability, you need a small business model and push it to large scales. All inspired by Jio obviously which is was a masterpiece in itself but Jio was much more successful due to the digital India push, and some sort of loopholes in the system.

Now the question arises Investing in a startup will be profitable or not? So the answer is- Of course, if startups are the requirement of the economy then most probably it will sustain, but no doubt there are a lot of losses making startups too not only in India but worldwide whether it's China, US, ASEAN. But the fact is competent Investors know this fact very well but they bet on the future of today's microeconomic companies or startups. For example:- BEZOS founded AMAZON (today's largest blue-chip ) on July 5,1994 but Amazon generated its first quarterly profit in 2001, the final quarter in 2003, they guaranteed their first annual profit, a whopping $35 million on revenues of $ 5.3 billion. Indian startups should focus on being Industry leaders, rather than focusing on exit startups. We need a stable ecosystem, rather than a bubble that could burst at any time.

 Accordingly, Some times you will be on highs, and sometimes you will be on lows. So prepare yourself, start from small, step back and plan things out, know the strategy and keep growing yourself. Utilize the internet for learning purposes rather than entertainment purposes . You can't rely on others if you are passionate about your ideas, your startups, definitely you have to learn skills for example web development, App development, etc. Be sure to check your requirements, have a solid business plan and once you execute all the above, you'll well on the path of launching a successful enterprise.


Unknown said…
Informative article. Do write more regarding startups. I think this is going to bring a huge wave of opportunities in future, providing solution to ever growing unemployed.
Unknown said…
Nice dii👍
Akash said…
Yeah! That's true india should go for more start-ups....

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