Either  Change yourself or you will be changed.  


What do people say about you, when you are not around?  If your answer is "I don't care about it", then you are coming from a fixed mindset. Well,  How'd you like to learn to be in expansion mode, What if I show you how to leverage a tactic to have a successful life ahead. well, go through this article to know about my perspective to have a successful life ahead.

Being a CA student, I have always been told Time is money and we have to invest it in right place and with the right people whose priority are our happiness, we must not invest it at that place where we achieve nothing else than trouble. thus, I assure you will learn something here and through this article, I would add some value to your life so here we get started .some of the mantras which I think must be implemented in one's life are as follows:-

  • Leave your comfort zone: First of all you have to come out of your comfort zone ."If you are not where you want to be in your life, How could you even chill so much?" Don't let your dreams die just because you could not do this or that, or you don't want to even if you have some sort of ailments because on the result day everyone is going to have a glance over your results and nobody is going to hear your excuses.

  • Have Clear Goals: While in school I have learned, To succeed one must need to do to sacrifice, struggle, have faith, patience, and passion but concluding this what I believe is when your 'Why' is clear the 'How' will take care of itself. It doesn't mean that you do not need to work on your goals but, it means that when you get a reason for doing something, you already get into the process of doing it. Every thought and feeling we have creates the life we believe in ourselves. thus, have clear goals and a strong belief in yourself.

  • Dream Big: You are capable of anything you dream of, don't let anyone define you. you become what you believe. Simply put, people who have low self-esteem and a low tolerance for their work can never be successful ."SHOOT FOR THE MOON.EVEN IF YOU MISS, YOU WILL LAND AMONG STARS ". Even I had many interests as a kid, and it was easy to choose. If it sounded exciting and glamorous, I wanted to do that. I wanted to be a Pilot, Astronaut, Engineer, then Chartered Accountant, and Entrepreneur, well I am fortunate enough as I am working on two of these; the first and the foremost is Chartered Accountancy.

  • Getting Started: There is gold everywhere, Most people are not trained to see it. It is said to start with something you need money and yes, of course, you need it. Financially, with every coin we get in our hands, we hold the power to choose our future: to be rich, poor, or middle class. Our spending habit reflects who we are. Thus choose your process wisely ."To make bread, every baker follows a recipe, even if it is in their head. The same is true for having the process of learning, Hardwork alone can't make you successful .you need to strategize the way you do it, In short, smart work plays an important role.

  • Learn from your failure: I  am pretty sure you are aware of this point but what I want to tell you is that growth is not always constant .relapses happen. It doesn't erase all your success. Your efforts are accumulated at a place for sure. You should never feel disappointed with failures. But that doesn't mean that you should ignore your failures. It means learn finding from it and finding out what's the root cause behind this failure. Our human nature wants quick fixes-excellence without toil and perfection without practice But life mastery and enlightenment are not cheap bargains. They are achieved through sacrifice, dedication, and perseverance.  "whenever you feel bad just remember that coca-cola only sold 25 bottles the first year:)".

  • Be Financially Literate: A person can be highly educated, professionally with a handsome salary package, and financially illiterate. Most people fail to realize that in life. it's not how much money you make. It's how much money you keep. We've all heard stories of poor people, then suddenly rich, and then poor again. They won millions, yet are soon back where they started or stories of some professional athletes. who at the age of 24 are earning millions, but are sleeping under a bridge after 10 years. One of the recent examples was of an old lady named "Ranu Mondal" who got popular through a song but soon lost all popularity and fame.
  • Choose your friends wiselythe most important lesson; I can tell you is that we came across a lot of people in life. Most of those become our friends quickly, but you must never underestimate the power of association. I would like to tell you all, I do not choose my friends by financial statements. The point is to make those people your friend from whom you can learn something. Being with someone who is pessimistic will let your thoughts be affected negatively too. Thus, sit with someone who thinks the way you do, friends who are intellectual, who have a positive mindset, growth mindset.
In conclusion, being successful and being at that level where you can fulfill your desire isn't easy, of course, it's hard. It is supposed to be hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Hard is what makes it great and hard work is what will make you great but with the proper mindset and right attitude.


Unknown said…
Nice πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Unknown said…
Well, leaving our comfort zone is what takes care of half of the process. So great job highlighting that fact. Overall it's so motivating and a thorough reading is sure to induce actions.
Unknown said…
Great and worth taking.
All should read this.
Abul hasan said…
Veritable truth , very good work ❤️
Aditi Saraf said…
Truly said that we should leave our comfort zone behind and focus on our goals . Being a UPSC Aspirant , I must say , these mantras are not only motivating but also making us realise that life is full of obstacles and it depends upon us either to succeed leaving these obstacles behind or stay jumbled with it .
Saheba shams said…
Well this is wholesome life lesson πŸ’―πŸ”₯ hope we all implement this in our real life πŸ¦‹πŸŒΈ and Aditi bby such a beautiful work you have done πŸ˜˜πŸ’πŸ’•I'm so excited for your upcoming works 🀭♾️keep growing and glowing 🌸πŸ”₯πŸ’―
Aditi Mishra said…
Thanks and stay connected:)
Aditi Mishra said…
Thanks and stay connected:)
Aditi Mishra said…
Thankyou so much.
Stay connected:)
Aditi Mishra said…
Thankyou so much
Stay connected:)
Aditi Mishra said…
Thankyou so much.
Stay connected:)
Aditi Mishra said…
Thankyou so much Dear.
Stay tuned:)
Aditi Mishra said…
Thankyou so much love.
Stay connected:)

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